Tuesday, 26 October 2021

What was Clixgrid?

  If you liked to learn about new promotions, you might have been able to earn a few extra dollars each week through ySense's Clixgrid. 

Their Clixgrid rewarded you every time you viewed an ad on the site. Like tasks in other categories, the number of ads that you were able to view was determined by your geographical location.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Assess things critically

  Whenever you are told something or read something, always be aware that someone could be lying to you.

People unfortunately do tell lies in one in one conversations and when they're speaking to a lot of people.

 Don't assume that everything you hear, read or see in a platform is true or unbiased.

Ask yourself questions like:

Why are you telling me this?

Are you conveniently skipping any details?

Are you trying to trigger me?

Are you trying to persuade me towards a particular way of thinking?

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Can cats safely eat carrots?

  Can cats eat carrots? Are carrots safe for your cats?

You may notice your cats are looking longingly at the carrots that you're snacking on. You might wonder if it's safe to give your cat carrots as an occasional treat.

The answer is yes. Your cat can be given carrots once they are cooked and cut into bite-sized pieces.

 Carrots cannot be a substitute for meat. Cats must have meat in their diet. In addition, carrots are naturally sweet so your cat should not be given them in excess,since  that can contribute to health problems such as diabetes.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday, 18 October 2021

Fish for old cats

  Cats can eat a lot of foods that humans can including fish. While it's not safe to give your cat lots of human foods without consulting your veterinarian, most veterinarians will agree that fish is a good option for cats at almost every stage of life.

Fish supplies cats with essential amino acids that they need to survive. Fish helps to build up their joints and ensure that your cat's brain is working properly.

Oily fish is especially good for your cat. Consider feeding them fish such as mackerel and tuna.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday, 4 October 2021

What is Mirtazapine for cats?

  Mirtazapine is a drug that's used to stimulate a cat's appetite. If your cat is sick and won't eat, your veterinarian may suggest that you use Mirtazapine after you've tried other methods.

Mirtazapine is applied to your cat's coat. This transdermal medication was originally developed for nausea but has been approved by the FDA to treat cats with a poor appetite.